Garcetti and Newsom Have Officially Failed At Coronavirus

Local Influence™ Agency
3 min readDec 7, 2020

I live in Los Angeles and I’m not usually one to complain about government or politics, but I have been gifted with a “get to the point” writing style and have to share my experience. In an era of convoluted media engines, let’s just assess who is really to blame for our holiday 2020 coronavirus sh**show…the politicians.

As we approach another sanctioned lockdown, this is resulting from a fear of capacity issues of our hospitals — including staffing, ICU capacities, and PPE needs. And rightfully so.

But let’s have a brief SoCal history lesson for a second. When we were put under a 2-week lockdown by Mayor Eric Garcetti in early March, we were told that this period of time was intended to get the hospitals up and going for future cases. We were then extended another 2 weeks. And ultimately 9 months. Additionally, Anthony Fauci had predicted there to be a wave earlier in the year and another one later in the year, which we are experiencing now.

Our officials have had 9 months — nine months — to get the hospital situation in order to deal with a second surge. Yet in speaking to friends who work in hospitals, there have been numerous layoffs instead of staffing up. #wtf

So basically officials are saying there are now not adequate resources when resources have been intentionally removed. I’m no Einstein, but how much sense does that make?

Now let’s turn to the economy. This most recent LA shutdown will flood unemployment with an additional 700,000 hospitality workers in our county alone. I thought Gavin Newsom created a commission of top executives in Silicon Valley to work on solutions for the economy? I haven’t seen anything — except reduced unemployment payments and a system that took over 3 months to even kick in for some of my friends. Also where exactly were the “advanced” contact tracing technologies that were supposed to be immediately put into effect? I haven’t seen those either.

In the meantime, we see Newsom having his dinners at exclusive gourmet restaurant French Laundry (unmasked, by the way) and Garcetti’s officials jetting to Maui for “conferences.” And with much authentic respect to BLM, he’s also turned LA into protest central where our windows are pretty much boarded up permanently.

The stark reality is this: Throughout all of this political distraction (and by distraction, I mean constant press conferences that look like they are from the 1980s), both of these officials had 9 months to prepare hospitals for a disease that has a death rate of less than 1% for most populations. 9 months!! And they failed. Let’s just call it what it is. And while unemployment and mental health issues have skyrocketed, one has to wonder…why is no one discussing these human rights violations?

Gavin Newsom and Eric Garcetti — please remember this. You work for us…not the other way around. Get our hospitals in order and stop punishing the people of California for your errors and mismanagement. You failed…own it and either figure it out or pass the baton.



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