The Importance of Stylish Design for Maximizing Local Business Sales

Local Influence™ Agency
3 min readJun 24, 2020

Design matters

Technology is becoming more advanced and with it, individuals are becoming busier than ever. In the digital age where you’re trying to boost business growth, website design is something that you just can’t compromise on.

Research shows that people form opinions about a brand’s website in just 0.05 seconds. This impacts their decision to either continue browsing your website or leave. In fact, 57% of internet users will refuse to recommend a business if its website isn’t mobile optimized and 38% users won’t engage again with a website that has unattractive layout or content.

94% of first impressions about a business are formed based on website design. Design is such an important aspect of the consumer experience that it has even given rise to the field of design psychology which uses neuroscientific research to make decisions about business design. This can help to increase engagement of your audience and in maximizing sales for local business.

Colours, imagery, typefaces, and spaces are so much more than just design elements for the human mind. Human psychology is such that these aspects of a website can give rise to emotions, making us feel more strongly about a brand so that we can connect better with it.

What makes for a great site?

1. Minimize the use of text — while text is important on your website, don’t cramp the webpage full of it. Try to use simple language in the form of short sentences and shorter paragraphs to improve readability of text. You can even use bullet points to make reading content on your website easier.

2. Try to communicate with your audience by showing them why they need your products/services rather than just telling them that they do. Use of visual content in the form of videos, infographics, and images can capture the attention of your audience a lot better than text can.

3. Prioritize content above the fold with catchy headlines, media, and a clear call to action. Shockingly, only 47% websites have a clearly visible CTA button even though this should be a priority.

4. Make navigation easier for your website visitors by sticking to standard layouts that people are familiar with. You should also avoid sliders, carousals, accordions, and tabs as they add complexity to your website.

5. Capitalize on Hick’s Law and offer fewer options to your audience on your website. Research has shown that this is far more effective in boosting conversions than offering several options.

6. Add a personal touch by using photos of individuals, but don’t rely on stock photos for this.

7. Make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices and pay attention to SEO to increase website rankings.

8. Use colours and typography that resonates with your brand image. An understanding of colour psychology can help with choosing the right colours to represent your brand and its logo.

9. Monitor and improve the loading speed of your website — people aren’t going to wait around for your website to load.

Get started

To learn more, visit We can help your local business shine, regardless of whether it’s your website, on social media, or listings.



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